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Honda Bulldog who Bercula

Honda Bulldog who Bercula

Bulldog type dog when viewed from the front tampangnya ugly, but it seemed grumpy. Nah, Agus Djanuar of home modifications XK Bike Design Purwokerto, Central Java, has modified Honda GL 1997 Pro berparas bulldog.

What if ditatap good from front to side kesangarannya. "Building full of character with the bulldog in front of and behind the minimalist," said Agus. It may be, his work as a new virus in 2009.

GL Pro renovation done by kru XK Bike Design, Wawang Cool, that is the problem ngelotok alter body with a fiberglass material. Terrible, his work is combined with a bulldog streetfighter West Central Java Style (WJS). Here ditonjolkan form and outline as the spiny texture contours. The main firm Wawang, contours and tends to nudge taper shroud and a full body cover to the front direction.

The thick WJS small tank is still form a strong stick in the GL Pro. Interestingly, fuel storage design is unique, ie there cula as the rhinoceros. More specific, such as hand grip on the horse rodeo. In the tank is not simply a variation, its function as a filter funnel.

Do not interrupt while driving. Thus, with a straight handlebar model that is only 80 cm long, easier handling it. Material using the Korean Steel Tube Work.

Other interesting creations, try the taillights lyrics. With a short tail that used to be sweet, light Honda's CS-1 is appropriate and fitting. Not simply sweetener, but still have a functional and aesthetic. Unfortunately, this bulldog GL Pro changed the nature of a self-absorbed, with no passengers can bring. * (Andika)

Source: http / Kompas.com

Yamaha V-ixion Modified Turing for Remote

Yamaha V-ixion Modified Turing for Remote

Such as what the ideal motor to be Turing distance? Nih, Dede Ridwan more chance to prepare Yamaha V-ixion to realize long ambisinya travel. Route not far insufficient responsibility, from the start and finish in Sabang Merauke. Perforce, the standard motor sport berlambang garputala diversiform this must be changed to the style of Turing.

Motor shall be submitted to the home modifications Tauco Custom (TC). Suspensi standard front and back are still maintained because, according to Topo Goedhel Atmojo from TC, the owner of the motor enggak pede sokbreker waste. But, the arms should swing dirombak with the goal to be the size of the tire is wider than just the default 110.

Finally, the swing-arm standard V-ixion in custom re-size tires and can go 140. This new swing arm, more than ngangkang also appear to be robust because of large dimensions.

To get pleasure during Turing, riding position is set. So, in addition to custom-order in the back, seat design is also made in accordance with the rider postures. Even made a significant dent in, holding the buttocks with a rider.

Indeed, this change seemed to make so menungging motor and a passenger to be too high. However, Dede perform Turing plan alone.

Other change, it appears on the handlebar. Here's Topo mengadopsinya Kawasaki Ninja. Similarly the back, when during this pemodifikator many choose Bajaj Pulsar, TC drop option using the property of Bajaj XCD 125. "This is because the tail to adjust the design nungging," Topo call the muffler to replace the paper with the standard design. (Nurfil) *

Source: http / Kompas.com

Kiat Sukses Modif Tiger

Success tips Modif Tiger

Often a biker regretted doing modifications only as trivial reasons. "I go out a lot of money I still ga comfortable also." Ga ya comfortable, because the model is still dinginkan less gahar, less dynamic, or less compact. There are still visible here frumpish. Can also show feelings such as motor still not comfortable dikendarai aka geyal-ga geyol known, less airodinamis appropriate postures, heavy or strong ngacir ga. Or, most importantly, run modif not meet the elements of security. The long effort to repair here and there to make even the bag tight. Overbudjet and most severe, modif fed before the project itself is perfect.

Ironic, indeed, modif which was expected to bring pride and satisfaction now think it will bring shame and frustration. Not to mention the cost of sacrifice, effort, and time is not small. So what tricks we avoid problems like the above?

Edwin Tutkey, a tiger biker who blow quite moderate, never modif mengibaratkan that the project is like building a house. "Thus dapurnya who often eat a lot of cost." That is, the details modif that we should be more careful because if the layout and model ga pas, will impress less comfortable and ultimately require additional cost continuously.

One can only trace the desired modif the withdrawal of a blue print architect designing a house. However, outside of the calculation on paper, realization sometimes need to ask additional budget and time is not small. For a hobby modifikator modif and powerful, menganggurkan motor until many many months is common. Funds are to be issued if not how is required. But for those who make the assets work as a mount and social assets, the loss will be very difficult to mount even though only a few days or 2-3 weeks.


So if so, what solution? Try to consider the following tips:

1. Prepare the motor you want to dimodif. Should think that the mature-mature motor has time to dirombak. The withdrawal style of your dress, reorganize motor will be quite a cost issue. The motor is truly jaded body should diremajakan & indeed one the most revolutionary change is with the foot-foot body and the look overall. However, when the engines toil, should not. Nanti akan making more and shameful. "Cook cakep motor broke down euuuuiiiiiyyy", goda group cew a cool time in the Yogi bang ndorong more motor modifnya.

2. Determine the direction to which the concept modif you want. Perjelas first function for you. Modif this concept should indeed for a particular purpose. If for daily use, you simply select the minimalist concept modif. One of the most obvious of these is to improve the style of the things that you feel is not perfect. In the case of motor tiger, you can choose between the foot-feet, or change the body. Many assume that the tiger is the perfect bike, but minus some detail. And that their purpose is foot-feet. If you are not satisfied with this, please remember mengaplikasi waste located on the highest satisfaction modif feet using waste MOGE (read article Motor Modifications for Beginners). The price is relatively affordable compared to buying a new foot-feet of the same type of MOGE.

But if you are more fond body style change, we can immediately find the body and the fiber plate that is usually available in the shops, accessories and modifications workshops. If you redeem it in the general store, the result will be mass often make a lot of aliases. Of course if you want more unique and satisfied, please modif workshop to be made according to the concept of dinginkan.

Often, modif foot-foot akan birth streetfighter look, because the tiger is the original model naked bike. With the increase of foot-foot waste MOGE akan mengensankan motor of this type of melibas ready for all kinds of stretch in the city. However, if you do modif body changes especially with the fairing model, the results are often the style we call "sport bike".

3. Discuss with modifikator or your friends about the concept. Adjust the budjet. Especially once you must be choosy about the amount of detail. Ask modifikator of concept that it is prepared based on your desire, I need to ask for an example (photo) motor that has been so. Ask to details, cost and total cost of the least suppose you do not need to change some details of the concept / example of disodorkan.

4. After obtaining initial concept, to take it home to be pondered-balanced. Do not decide in the workshop at that time because the psychology of depression and you can so you overexcited (too happy). Consideration the benefits to the style you want and do not hesitate to request advice from family and colleagues that may be helpful.

5. Reviu more good things. Calculate the total cost and calculating the cost of more new details in case some earlier omitted.

6. If you have decided between total modif appropriate concept from the beginning, or are only partially modifikator course, it's time to contact you to modifikator price opinion (second opinion) to have another option (second option). If you are satisfied collate, now you can go back to the garage or shop that you want.

7. Make a clear contract with modifikator concerning the cost and term of payment, quality and time. Biasakan to always look in regularly to ensure the work goes according to plan. Keep going to not bid-bid concept / new details that could result in a budget exceeding budjet.

8. Do not forget to check in detail the overall results and detailed after modif motor kelar. If you need to make the news about the condition before the event received. Make sure all wrong before The receipt and payment in full.

9. Try all running smoothly and persuasive. Any communication with us modifikator will impact on the service aftermodif later. Each vehicle modif surely has a high "risk" and "crisis" that is different from the standard motor. Therefore, not all mechanics general it can be. The best deal when there is trouble modifikatornya own. Therefore, your communication is good (and also the payment of good) will give satisfaction to each party, and hopefully also on other aftermodif cooperation.

Congratulations try modifnya motor mas bro.

Data Modif Motor Week:
Owner: Eko Munartyo (Eco)
Modifikator: Yustinus Erwan Santoso (iyus)
Workshop: Insan Motor
Upside down: Aprillia RS -125
Arm swing: Aprillia RS -125
Velg: Aprillia RS -125
Front tire: Dunlop 401F GT
Rear tire: Dunlop SportMax II
Front disc / rear: Aprillia RS -125
Kaliper front: Grimeca
Exhaust: Custom
Footstep Home: Racing One
Footstep Rear: Jupiter Z
Mudguard: Cagiva Canyon

Source: Domestic motor

Performa 848 Sangat Berguna Bagi Pemula apalagi bagi yang Pro!

Performa 848 Sangat Berguna Bagi Pemula apalagi bagi yang Pro!

Bobotnya cuma 164 Kg, tenaganya mencapai 134 hp pada 10.000 rpm (klaim) dan torsinya hampir 97 nm pada 8000 rpm. Belum lagi fitur “shift gear asistance” dimana 3 lampu merah pada dashboard full digital akan menyala pertanda torsi maksimum sudah tercapai sekaligus memberitahu pengendara untuk melakukan shift up. Ditangan amatiran seperti Indobikers saja dengan racing line amburadul :lol: lap time bisa didapat 1.56 sedangkan ditangan pengendara yang baik laptime bisa ditempuh dalam kisaran 1.45 dengan mudah :cool: padahal motor dalam kondisi standar. Top speed di straight line bisa mencapai 260 km/j. Untuk keperluan balap, jumlah lap, lap time dan telemeteri data analizer sudah tersedia di dashboard tinggal colok ke laptop untuk di analisa. Sayang tidak seperti kakanya Steering damper dan suspensi ohlins bukan merupakan fitur standar. Oh ya pada Ducati One Make Race 1 Maret ini, Indobikers di atas 848 standar berhasil mendapat posisi ke tiga overall di belakang bro Hiroshi (DDOCI) 1098 dan bro Stiawan 1098S (Vendetta).

Sumber: Indobikers

Profil Motor Baru New Honda Tiger Revolution

Profil Motor Baru New Honda Tiger Revolution

OTOMOTIFNET - Sejak pertama kali diluncurkan pada 1993 silam, Honda Tiger sudah mengalami perubahan sebanyak 4 kali. Dan pada kali keempatnya ini boleh dibilang paling heboh dari perubahan terdahulu.

Bukan drastis tidaknya bentuk yang ditampilkan, namun keberanian mengusung gaya yang keluar dari kebiasaan.

“Asymmetric style” yang duluan tenar di daratan Eropa dipilih sebagai konsep minor change pada New Tiger Revolution terbarunya.

Bukan tidak mungkin ini adalah pintu menuju perubahan style Honda. Nantinya semua motor Honda bisa jadi punya konsep yang serupa. “Kita lihat saja nanti,” buka Johanes Loman, Marketing Director, PT Astra Honda Motor.

Bila dilihat asal usulnya konsep ini sebenarnya sudah terlebih dahulu di develop oleh pabrikan Honda Motor Eropa, namun sudah terlebih dahulu direalisasikan oleh Astra Honda Motor, Indonesia.

Wah kita duluan dong? Iya duluan, tapi lupakan urusan mesin. Setidaknya pada sektor desain kita enggak bakal ketinggalan lagi. Sejak Honda Revo, Mega Pro terbaru hingga CS-1 Indonesia sudah mandiri urusan desain.

Kok jadi ngelantur? Ayo balik ke New Tiger Revolution, mari kita kupas sedikit perubahan pada motor sport yang penjualannya menguasai 62,3% pasar motor sport di atas 200cc. Yang pertama dan paling mencolok adalah design lampu depan yang sport dan asimetris.

Lampu ini dilengkapi multireflector agar nyalanya lebih terang dan fokus. Tampilannya bolehlah, unik dan sensasional bergaya motor besar ala eropa, apalagi desain visor ikutan aerodinamis dan asimetris.

“Sepertinya pemilik Tiger lama juga bisa ganti dengan desain lampu baru ini,” ungkap Johanes Loman. Berikutnya ada perbedaan ketika melongok kebalik visor. Desain panel speedometer juga ikut berbenah. Meski tetap dua bulatan berjajar namun sentuhan aksen warna silver membuat keduanya terlihat berbeda satu sama lain.

Lanjut ke stunning shroud atau penutup tanki juga memiliki desain baru yang lebih kekar dan berotot. Selain itu stop lamp lebih canggih dengan paduan single bulb dan LED. Pokoknya lebih gaya saat menyala.

Dan yang terakhir ada pada cover muffler baru yang desainnya sedikit berbeda dari versi sebelumnya. Sedang bagian lainnya termasuk mesin? Samimawon alias sama saja tidak ada yang berbeda.

New Tiger Revolution terbaru ini tersedia dalam 5 pilihan warna Evolve Black, Magma Red, Reign Blue, Dominate Gray, dan Magnificent Black yang kabarnya dijual dengan banderol Rp 24 juta, atau lebih mahal sedikit ketimbang versi terdahulu.


Panjang X lebar X tinggi : 2.029 x 747 x 1.093 mm
Jarak sumbu roda : 1327 mm
Jarak terendah ke tanah : 155 mm
Berat kosong : 138 kg
Tipe rangka : Pola Berlian
Tipe suspensi depan : Teleskopik
Tipe suspensi belakang : Lengan ayun pegas ganda dengan tabung oli
Ukuran ban depan : 2,75 - 18 42L
Ukuran ban belakang : 100/90 - 18 M/C - 56P
Rem depan : Cakram hidrolik, dengan piston ganda
Rem belakang : Cakram hidrolik, dengan piston tunggal
Kapasitas tangki bahan bakar : 13,2 Liter
Tipe mesin : 4 Langkah OHC, pendinginan udara
Diameter x langkah : 63,5 x 62,2 mm
Volume langkah : 196,9 cc
Perbandingan kompresi : 9,0 : 1
Daya maksimum : 16,7 PS / 8.500 RPM
Torsi maksimum : 1,60 kg.m / 7.000 RPM
Kapasitas minyak pelumas mesin : 1,0 liter pada penggantian periodik
Kopling Otomatis : Manual, Multiplate Wet Clutch
Gigi transmsi : 6 kecepatan
Pola pengoperan gigi : 1-N-2-3-4-5-6
Starter : Elektrik Starter & Kick Starter
Aki : 12 V - 7 Ah
Busi : ND x 24 EP U9 / NGK DP8EA-9
Sistem pengapian : CDI-AC, Magneto

Yamaha Mio Soul Low Rider 2008 Jakarta

Yamaha Mio Soul Low Rider 2008 Jakarta

JAKARTA- Johny Lipurnomo from Custom World (CW) populer dengan permainan tangannya lewat alat cat. Karyanya bertebaran 1999 – 2002. Tema inovatif selalu dihasilkan pria bertubuh bongsor ini.

Kepincut juga main modifikasi bodi. Pelan tapi pasti, karya besarnya nongol di Yamaha Cuzztomatic 2 2008 Region IV, Bandung, Mei lalu. "Penasaran juga ikut kelas x-treme. Ini kelas bergengsi," ungkap Johny yang bermarkas di Kelapa Gading, Jakarta Utara.

Berbeda jauh sama konsep sebelumnya yang dominan bolt-on. Tentunya, ini lumayan bikin surprise penikmat modifikasi Tanah Air. Boleh dibilang konsep terdepan buat Mio Soul.

Kenapa dibilang konsep terdepan? Jelas, karena Johny lebih konsentrasi ke tunggangan futuristik. Garis desain bodywork tajam dan tegas. Tapi, ciri Mio Soul enggak boleh hilang.

Makanya, lampu utama tetap dipertahankan. "Intinya sih bikin low rider masa depan. Sayang, ada bagian yang belum selesai," ungkap penggemar sate Blora, Jawa Tengah ini.

Memang, konsep terdepan sudah digarap builder berkacamata ini dengan rapi. Tingkat akurasi detail hampir sempurna. Baut dan mur dibikin enggak belang. Pokoke rapi jali. Tapi, penyelesaian yang belum total mengganggu konsep desain secara keseluruhan.

Bandingkan sama motor konsep yang dipajang beberapa pameran di Indonesia atau di luar negeri. Setang tetap tertutup panel instrumen kalau konsepnya memang mengarah kemungkinan akan diproduksi massal. "Nah, itu makanya saya pakai visor. Ini yang nggak selesai," timpal Johny yang bikin sketsa dan urusan bodi ke Agus Djanuar, builder Purwokerto, Jawa Tengah.

Meski begitu, motor konsep enggak selesai. Rancangan sebaiknya sudah dipikirin kemungkinannya untuk dipakai di jalan raya. Seperti Yamaha MT-OS, konsep sport muscle bike yang diperkenalkan saat berlangsung Tokyo Motor Show 2006.

Artinya, modifikasi yang mengarah ke motor konsep pastinya juga didesain dengan tetap memikirkan bagaimana kalau nanti dipakai harian. Kemungkinan mengestimasi antara tenaga motor yang dihasilkan sama bodi yang sudah diubah. Termasuk, komponen baru tambahan. Konsep terdepan mungkin seperti ini! (Niko)

Sumber: http/ Kompas.com

Si Kembar yang Beda Peranakan

Si Kembar yang Beda Peranakan

Hati-hati mata Anda ketika menatap Honda CBR 150R. Bisa-bisa motor jenis sport yang dilirik itu, bukan dari Jepang, tak lain Minerva R150SE. Atau sebaliknya, sulit menebak yang mana Minerva saat berada di antara CBR.

Sebab, motor jenis sport dari Jepang itu punya kembarannya. Desainnya bagaikan pinang dibelah dua. Namanya Minerva R150SE. Uniknya, motor ini peranakan China dan Jerman.

Dalam kolaborasi ini, negeri tirai bambu yang memproduksi mesin menggandeng perusahaan shockbreaker dari Jerman Minerva Sachs. Menariknya, harganya dibanderol Rp 16 jutaan, sedangkan CBR 150R dilego Rp 36 jutaan dan kedua-keduanya begitu banyak diminati, dan di milis pun ramai dibahas.

Supaya enggak penasaran, Em-Plus coba membedah kelebihan dan kekurangan dari kedua motor itu.

Soal desain sudah disebutkan di atas, mirip plek…plek…plek. Begitu juga spidometernya. Yang membedakan, pojok sebelah kanan. Kalau Minerva ada indikator penunjuk voltmeter untuk mengukur kondisi aki (baterai), CBR memiliki penunjuk suhu mesin karena mesin Honda dilengkapi dengan sistem pendinginan. Pantas kalau benderolnya di atas Rp 30 juta lantaran menawarkan liquid cooled alias radiator.

Minerva R150SE juga pakai. Hanya, itu bukan buat pendinginan dapur pacu, melainkan kelancaran sistem sirkulasi oli, populernya disebut oil cooler.

Kemiripan lainnya tampak pada sistem rem belakang, sama-sama mengadopsi rem cakram. Kecuali depan, kaki CBR menganut teleskopik, sedangkan R150SE dengan model upside down. Ketika dites, soal kelincahan, handling, dan redaman, teleskopik tidak kalah sama upside down.

Mesin sama-sama berkapasitas 149 cc, tetapi teknologinya yang lain. Honda berkonsep double overhead camshaft (DOHC). Jadi, dua noken as untuk menggerakkan kinerja buka tutup klep. Kemudian ia menggunakan 6 tingkat percepatan.

Adapun Minerva mengusung konsep single overhead camshaft (SOHC). Sementara itu, pola pengoperasian gigi persneling punya 5 tingkat percepatan model sport tulen. Jadi, gigi satu ke bawah, untuk pindah kedua, tiga, dan seterusnya dicungkil ke atas.

Dari uji coba kemampuan jalan, R150SE jauh di bawah CBR. Untuk akselerasi 0-60 km/jam, Honda bisa menembus waktu 4,02 detik, sedangkan R150SE jauh di atas, apalagi untuk kecepatan 0-100 km/jam, Honda mampu mencatat 6,80 detik.

Kesimpulannya, mahalnya harga CBR 150R memang tidak bohong. (Eka)*

sumber: http/ Kompas.com